Thursday, January 14, 2010

American Lit II: Emily Dickinson

In my American Literature class, we are currently reading some of Emily Dickinson's poetry. As anyone who has ever ready a stanza or two of her poetry can attest, the was she writes can at times be confusing. One has to read and re-read her numerous scraps of literary gold in order to fully understand them. My favorite Dickinson poem thus far is "My Life had stood a Loaded Gun." In it, she compares life before meeting her husband/boyfriend to that of a loaded gun sitting in a corner, having the potential to do wondrous things, but not having the ability to without the help of the right person. After this person finds her, the poem indicates that she experiences happiness and would kill for him. Alas, i have gone over my 100 word limit, so I must cut my blog short for now. I strongly recommend to anyone who is not familiar with her work to take the time to read her poetry and see just what this literary genius has to offer to you.

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