Thursday, February 11, 2010

Amercan Lit II: Robert Frost

Today, we went over some peotry by Robert Frost. Frost was one of many of a movement in literature history known as transcendentalists. Transcendentalists believe that humans could be one with nature by transcending (looking past) the physical realities of our world and tapping into the spiritual forces around us. One of Frost's peoms showing us this is "The Mending Wall." In this poem, two neighbors meet to make repairs to a fence dividing their property. The narrator believes that since neither own any property that has the ablility to cross over property lines that no fence is needed. The neighbor believes that "good fences make good neighbors," which is a long outdated belief. The narrator continues to try to draw information from his neighbor on why he believes this, but is unsuccessful. Although his poetry may need to be re-read to gather full clarity, Frost's work is a mind-opening experience.

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