Wednesday, March 3, 2010

American Lit II: Susan Glaspell:Trifles

Trifles is a play set in the fictional home of John Wright. The story opens with Hale, one of the characters in the story, is retelling the events of what happened the day before the story takes place.(the sheriff is at the Wright's home because John Wright has been found dead by Hale) Hale tells the sheriff that he asked Mrs. Wright how John died, and Mrs. Wright replied from "a rope around his neck" and then continues on about her business. They go upstairs and confirm the body is dead, and again ask Mrs. Wright how he died, to which she says she does not know, even though he died while she was sleeping in bed next to him. The story goes on and the men make remarks about how women are only worried about trifles, things that don't matter or are unimportant in the world, a common belief in society at this time.

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